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Rhode Island Underinsured Motorist Attorney

Providence Uninsured Motorists Lawyer

If you have purchased more than the bare minimum of insurance coverage, you are probably covered in accidents involving uninsured/underinsured drivers. As a result, you may be able to recover all or a portion of your losses through your own insurer. Unfortunately, not all insurance carriers volunteer this information when one of their policyholders is hit by an uninsured/underinsured motorist. In some cases, an insurer may try to hold a policyholder partially or totally at fault in order to deny their claim involving uninsured/underinsured coverage. At the Law Offices of Richard C. Tallo, I review the policy terms of my client, work with accident investigators, and notify the Rhode Island Insurance Commissioner's office when insurers attempt to delay or deny payment on our client's insurance coverage.

If you've been struck by an uninsured or underinsured motorist, carefully read the terms of your policy and review the declarations page. If you are covered and your insurer denies or disputes your claim, contact Rhode Island underinsured motorist lawyer Richard C. Tallo today.

Determining the At-Fault Driver and Uninsured/Underinsured Claims

Rhode Island is a pure comparative negligence state. As a result, a driver can recover damages even if he or she is 99% at fault. However, if you are in part responsible for a car accident your compensation will be reduced by the percentage of your fault. Consequently, if you suffer $10,000 in damages but are deemed to be 50% at fault, your compensation will be limited to $5,000. Consequently, insurers use teams of investigators and experts when investigating car accidents in the hopes of shifting as much blame as possible away from their policyholder.

In cases involving uninsured or underinsured car accident claims, your insurer still has an incentive to determine if you were at fault. If you can be held partially or totally at fault, the less your insurer has to pay you. Here, the relationship between you and your formerly pleasant insurance agent may turn adversarial. You may be asked to talk to investigators or to an attorney representing the insurer. You may be asked to provide a statement or submit to a medical exam. Or, your insurer may take an inordinate amount of time in processing your claim.

Once you hire me as your attorney, your insurer must work directly with me and leave you alone. As a result, I can take steps to ensure your rights and interests are protected. If your insurer begins to drag his feet, I can file an insurance bad faith practices case and hold them liable for any harm you suffer as a result.

Don't Trust Your Insurer to Tell You All the Facts

The simple fact is, insurance companies are in business to make money. Claims agents and managers sometimes work under incentive programs intended to save the company money by tying bonuses and promotions to a reduction in claims payouts. There is, then, a "culture" present among insurers that encourages claims adjusters to look for ways to reduce how much an insurer pays in claims.

As a personal injury attorney with over 35 years of experience, I am familiar with the tactics and strategies used by insurers to dispute claims. I have the resources and knowledge needed to help you fight your insurer and enforce the terms of your policy coverage.

To schedule a free consultation, contact uninsured/underinsured motorist claims attorney Richard C. Tallo today.

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Richard C. Tallo

The Law Offices of Richard C. Tallo
999 Chalkstone Avenue
Providence, RI 02908

Phone: 401-228-7077
Fax: 401-228-7087
Providence Law Office

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